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The winemakers - both professional and hobbyists – no longer need to buy their own expensive equipment. They can rent ours, saving money, time and energy. We offer the following:

  • Semi-automatic crushing and destemming of grapes.

  • Gentle pressing of crushed and destemmed grapes by a new pneumatic press with the pressure of 0.3-1.5 bar.

We can arrange all details over the phone +421 908 804 406 (8 am to 4 pm) or via email:

Somraky Winery mlynkoodstopkovanie a lisovanie hrozna
  • The minimum number of persons per a degustation: 4

  • The maximum number of persons per a degustation: 10

  • We can arrange all details over the phone +421 908 804 406 (8 am to 4 pm) or via email:


Enjoy our wines in our hand dug tuff cellar, whose history reaches back to the times of the Ottoman attacks when it was used as a hideout and later on also as a “refrigerator” for home-made meat products. A secret tunnel was dug from the mid-13 century Romanesque church; according to the local legend, it led to the tuff cellar, where “the nectar of the Gods” – our wine, ages.

During the degustation we will be happy to provide beverages – their quantity and type needs to be discussed up-front either over the phone, by email or in person. These services are usually outsourced via a catering company.

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